Bogs for Babies



There’s something about little boys, rain and puddles that seem to go hand in hand.  It’s not a stereotypical gendered construct — it’s real.  My kid gravitates towards muck and dampness like mildew and mold do.

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Looking at the best way to conquer this giant puddle

As a fashion producer, I’ve always known about the Bogs brand and I see the boots in nearly every Toronto boutique.  But, I’d honestly never given them a second thought when it came to my baby/toddler.

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Bogs for women

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Then, it came time to buy my toddler his first pair of rain boots.  I started off as many moms do: I went for cheap, cheap, cheap figuring his feet grow like weeds so there’s no point in investing in good boots just yet.  Wrong, wrong, wrong.

I ended up buying two totally useless pairs of lower end boots (one of which he actually kicked off himself one day and tried to walk home in his socks).  The cheap rain gear is often made out of clunky, heavy (chemical smelling) materials.

Finally, we tried out Bogs.  What an amazing discovery.

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At first I was semi-reluctant to spend the money because Jack’s feet grow every couple of months.  But, with something as critical as dry, warm feet, I’ll never skimp again.  Finding the perfect outdoor footwear really helps allow your kids to just be kids. I’, not constantly nagging him to stay out of the water and so on.

These are two thumbs up for anyone else considering making the purchase.

For more information on Bogs styles and availability for kids, click here.

Note: This post is not sponsored in any way. The opinions expressed are strictly those of our family.

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