He’s Finally Two!

Two isn’t always terrible…

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Tomorrow, we’re heading off on our first journey with both a toddler and an infant.  I’m surprised I’m not more nervous than I am. With my first son, Jack, I was anxious leading up to trips because he had colic and felt really high maintenance to me.  I fretted over keeping him happy and entertained and if the journey was more than three hours I always tried to map things out to keep the peace. We encountered melt downs, crying fits and sleepless days/nights, but we always pushed on.

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But, now that Jack’s two there’s a new ease with travel.  He totally understands the idea of flights, train rides or car rides in order to get somewhere.  We can thoroughly explain the journey to him, tell stories about it, point new things out (etc) and that’s enough stimulation to keep him happy.  It’s such a great age for travel because kids understand the concept of going somewhere new (hence the popular play on the phrase, “are we there yet”).  We’re totally taking advantage of Jack’s new found pleasure in language and story telling and we’re hoping it gets us through these next few months of travel.

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How do you keep your toddlers busy in confined spaces while traveling?  We’d love to hear from you!

Happy travels!



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