Our dear friend, and world renowned film maker, Rob Stewart disappeared while on a dive Jan 31st, in the Florida waters. He was last seen around 5:00pm near Alligator Reef.
There’s been an ongoing (incredible) search effort, spear-headed by his colleague and friend Tyler MacLeod and Rob’s family.
They’re asking all people (even those tourists or residents who walk the beach) in the area to help them out. As you know, when someone’s lost at sea, every hour counts.
Rob is an experienced diver (over a thousand dives) and is a fit, strong man. He’s likely out there on the surface in desperate need of someone to spot him.
He’s the man and mind behind the powerful films Sharkwater and Revolution. He’s passionate about the environment and knows marine life and the waters well.
Please, please, please, if you have access to a boat or any sort of air transportation (slow plane, helicopter etc) or are heading out on a tour boat (glass bottom boat etc) keep your eyes on the water.
We’re all praying for his safe discovery and return.
Contact coast guard if you see anything worth reporting.