SportingLife 10 km Run for Camp Oochigeas

2016-05-08 10.21.31-1

Well, we did it and it was amazing.  Jack went postal prior to the start line and said, “all done” on repeat while he threw an initial tantrum.  But, then it passed as he saw all the crowds and he didn’t make a peep the rest of the run until we crossed the finish line (except for the obvious commentary on his surroundings — billboards, people, kids, etc)


2016-05-08 10.20.57

Crossing the 9th km marker

It ended up being the perfect Mother’s Day because my heart filled with pride and admiration for my husband and sons.

Rick and I each tackled a kid with their own stroller and jogged/walked the entire way.  We completed the route in around 1 hour and 15 minutes.

What an amazing way to start whas has turned out to be a perfect day.

How did you spend your Mother’s Day?




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