Potty Training on the Go with Pull-Ups #Pottypartnership


We’re in the midst of potty training and apparently so are a lot of you!

Potty training and travel don’t always go hand-in-hand (we get a lot of questions about how to take toddlers into public washrooms, is it ok to let them pee outdoors, in public, while vacationing etc).  Potty Talk is a big discussion, and there’s really no easy answer.

When it comes to travel, a lot of families rely on Pull-Ups to catch those unexpected accidents.  They’re a step between diapers and underwear.  We love them because they actually have side opening capability like diapers so if there’s a ‘number two’ you don’t have to slide it down their legs to get it off.

Pull-ups is launching a new #pottypartnership to help parents through this transition and to get you all on track for achieving this milestone with as little stress as possible.  It’s an exciting time for your kids — one of the first big ‘events’ that they are entirely in control of — they either do it or they don’t.  We (as parents) can’t make them.


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The first step in the partnership is to determine your child’s potty training personality (through an online quiz) and then approach the process with a specific mindset catered to your child’s needs.  My son is an owl (part squirrel) so we read advice and tips from the Pull-Ups expert that pertains to him.

There’s also an app that provides parents with a timer and fun rewards (little games and activities are unlocked with each potty attempt).


Potty Partnership event with parenting expert, Alyson Schafer, on hand to offer advice

I’ll save the more intricate details of the training guide for your own exploration on their website, but the best part is—it’s FREE!!  So get on it.  It’s never too early or late to check it out if you’re raising a toddler.  There’s no right or wrong way to do it either so toss away any guilt you might feel.


I’m super excited to check this milestone off of our list, but at least now, thanks to the #pottypartnership, we’re able to enjoy it and receive step-by-step guidance.


Pull-Ups Puppy mascot


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