My Go-To Pregnancy & Travel Snacks

2015-08-16 17.07.44-2

2016-01-21 10.58.11

Simply Protein (brand) snacks shown here in Coconut Raspberry

Quite a few people have reached out in the past little while inquiring about pregnancy snacks.  It’s no secret that I gained nearly 50 lbs with my first baby.  Now, less than two years later, I am about to welcome my second son to this world.  I’ve managed to keep my weight at a more stable 32 lb weight gain (so far).

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Nearly six months pregnant

In my opinion, pregnancy and travel snacks are very similar. I look for compact items that carry the most nutritional punch in the least amount of space/packaging/calories.

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The two brands of bars shown above (*not at all sponsored for those wondering) are my absolute go-to items for portability and ease.  With the Kind bars, I only eat those with 5 gm or sugar or less per serving (which does limit options so check out each flavour as some contain more than 20 gm per bar).  With the Simply Protein bars, there’s no concern. There’s typically only about 2 gm per bar.  Kind bars are more natural in that they’re made with items you know, recognize and understand — various nuts, honey, cinnamon etc.  Simply Protein are more synthetic in that they’re more like a “fake” food — can’t really tell what you’re eating because they’re miniscule little protein balls all packed together into a bar.  A lot of my friends don’t like the texture, but I’ve acquired a keen taste for them.

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I’m not going to sit here and go on and on about my diet because some days are atrocious and others are a nutritionist’s dream. It’s all about balance. I just wanted to answer the people who have reached out to me and pass the info along to any other readers.

To recap:

(1) Vega Protein + Greens — this is a vegan/no animal products/completely plant based protein — daily shake I consume at least once, but sometimes twice to stave off nasty cravings.  I was consuming the Vega Nutritional Shake until I found out that the grapeseed extract in it hasn’t been tested for safe use in pregnancy so I quickly switched to protein and greens when I found that out.


(2) Kind Bars – Madagasar Vanilla Almond Bar is my go-to.  There’s a ton of protein, light flavour and high fibre.


(3) Simply Protein brand bars and snacks.  In the last trimester I’ve eaten a bag of the crunch (below) as my mid-morning snack.


All of the products listed above can be bought nation-wide or online.  I buy Vega at nutritional stores like GNC or The Nutrition House and order cases of everything else on Amazon.



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