Holy HOT Batman!

Image result for heat wave

Today’s temperatures were no laughing matter.  We first went outside just before 7:00 am (we check the pool each morning to see if there are any critters – like chipmunks or rabbits) needing rescuing from the water.  As soon as I opened the door, a wave of muggy, hot air smacked me in the face.

Fast forward a couple of hours and the boys wanted to play in the sandbox (9:00 am).  We stayed outside for a half hour and I did my best to shade their play area.

We then headed indoors for 45 minutes and then our two-year-old wanted to join his daddy and Nonno in the back yard.  He stayed out there. primarily in the shade, with a hat and sunscreen for about an hour.

That’s when everything went south.  He stood up from his little plastic Muskoka chair, leaned against the wall, and vomited all over himself and the ground.

I rehydrated him with some water and a couple of watermelon cubes.  He went down for an hour nap and woke up feeling even more sick.

He’s been vomiting and had diarrhea all afternoon/evening.  He either got TOO hot outside in the muggy heat OR it’s coincidental that he got a stomach bug!??

What do you think it could be?

Someone messaged me on Instagram and told me to try a half Gatorade/Half water mixture.  He loved the taste and managed to get 1/2 cup into him.  But it’s since come back out.

I know we’re in for a LONG night.

It just goes to show you that even in the shade (I can’t even imagine a vehicle) it’s still SO hot for young kids/infants.  They can’t regulate their body temperature as well as adults.

So learn from my (possible) mistake.  Don’t think that a hat, sunscreen, water bottle and some shade is enough for wee ones to tolerate this heat wave.

Play safe. Stay safe and enjoy the Canada Day long weekend!!

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