
thIYJ8NQ2ZIn a place where we promote world travel, it saddens me to think of the dark clouds now hanging over many incredible states and cities in this very moment.  It shocks me that we’re still facing these disgraceful political issues in 2016 and that there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel. It honestly makes me sick.

How can we all function, by day, as one big, oblivious, naïve society and then turn into such horrific humans?  Those of us remaining silent (without bothering to take the time to stand united) are just as bad as those voicing somewhat radical opinions.

I’ll spare all of the details around the recent pointless shootings & sniper retaliations and just say this — if you have to ask why #Blacklivesmatter as opposed to all of the other current violence and madness (towards women, in Islamic states, at war etc) then you’re part of the problem.  Right now, and for the past few years, the escalating (seemingly unnecessary) aggression towards and shootings of black people, is a societal disgrace.

It breaks my heart to think that human beings feel superior in any way, above anyone, or anything.





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